Transnational Black feminist, human rights activist and co-founder, Executive Director of Black Women’s Blueprint. Tanis is the national co-chair of the March for Black Women. From 2010-2016, she chaired the first Truth and Reconciliation Commission in the U.S. ever to focus on Black women and their historical and contemporary experiences with sexual assault and reproductive violations. She is the producer of Mother Tongue, a theatrical production addressing Black sexual politicsShe is founder and lead curator at the Museum of Women’s Resistance (MoWRe), internationally recognized as a Site of Conscience. Tanis is a NoVo Foundation – Move to End Violence Program, Cohort 3 Movement Maker, a U.S. Human Rights Institute Fellow (USHRN) and a member of the USHRN Task Force on the international human rights treaty, CERD – the UN Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, and CAT – The UN Convention Against Torture.