This session will be presented in Spanish. English translation will be made available.

Bring awareness on the specific needs of farmworker women and opportunities to collaborate with local community based organizations and agencies. Workshop Description: Lideres Campesinas is dedicated to support farm worker women strengthen their leadership and together be the agents of social, political, and economic change to ensure human rights. Throughout the years there has been a lack of tailored services to address the special needs of farmworker women who have experience sexual assault and harassment in the workplace, domestic violence in their home, and the access to resources in their communities. This interactive and educational workshop will address the issues presented in farmworking communities through direct testimonies and thater skits, to highlight how Lideres Campesinas brings community support through Victim Advocates, Community Outreach, Agency Collaborations, and more. The work that helps Lideres Campesinas continue to be trusted messengers between farmworker women and collaborators who provide services to the community.


Elvira Herrera

Area of Focus

Empowered Workers